Name: My Barista "Jenni"
Reaction: Appreciation
Location: Starbucks
The story:
While in Starbucks, the woman just stops and looks at me. Then, out of no where said something to the effect of "It's weird, I don't think I've ever seen someone with a beard like that. It's as if the top half of your head has nothing to do with the bottom half of your head. You know what? If your face was on one of those games where you match the top half of the face with the bottom half of the face you would totally win cause no one would be able to match the 2"
"Haha, You are absolutely right, i would totally win! Actually, that's not a horrible idea maybe I will create that for this blog I run, It's called 'People I Meet Through My Beard .com'" I replied. Then the girl who was actually making my coffee chimes in and says that she thinks that I should enter into the beard competition that they have out in Alaska. I then explain to her that i think you need to be in part of a beard club in order to get sponsored to go out there.
"Maybe you should start your own club! Then you could send yourself and win!" she said back to me. "Ya, I guess I could do that huh? Then I would need more people in my club though" I then look at a third Starbucks employee with a scraggly mustache "You could be in my club!" Then we all laughed and I received my coffee. Bid all of them fair well and departed the Starbucks.
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