Friday, March 19, 2010


Name: Random 4 Black Ladies
Reaction: Shock and Awe
Location: Outside of the Galleria in White Plains
The story:
As Jeff and myself were walking outside of the Galleria Mall in White Plains NY, 4 large black ladies in their mid to late 20's walk out of the mall stare at me and started yelling "Dammmnnnnnnn!!!!!!!" then they all started doing some bent over laugh with clap combination.  Either that or they were dancing.

One then yelled (mind you, we were about 20 feet away from each other) "Yo Boieee, You ever braid that shit??"  

"I've braided it myself, but never had someone else do it" I replied.

"Shit soonnnnn You should braid it, that shit would be tight!" another yelled.  

Then as all 4 had mysteriously appeared, they all walked away occasionally turning around and pointing, repeating "Shit, that Boieee be CRAZY with his long-ass beard!" This, of course, made my lunch hour perfect, and kept me smiling the rest of the day.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Woman in Coffee shop

Name: Unknown
Reaction: Comparison
Location: Local Coffee Shop
The story:
As I was waiting for my coffee in a local coffee shop this woman, out of the blue, comes up and taps me on the shoulder and says "Oh, you must be going for the 'Brad Pitt' look." 
I then stopped whatever I was doing and just stared at her.  At first I was legitimately confused as to what she meant, then I realized she was referring to my beard. "Well, I think I have had my beard a little bit longer than him." I replied.  
"I don't know... I mean.. it's Brad Pitt." she said, as to imply that Brad Pit could grow his facial hair faster than average humans, just on account of him being Brad Pitt.
"I have been growing mine for a year and a few months.  I am fairly sure that mine is quite a bit longer than his."
"Hmm.  Well I guess it's ok that you are keeping it to be like him then" she said.

At this point I am just full of rage. I didn't grow this beard to mimic anyone, let alone Brad 'pretty boy' Pitt.  Frankly, I found the whole conversation to be annoying and obnoxious. This woman was not listening to me, and completely ignoring facts, like how long it takes to grow hair.  Luckily, my coffee had just been given to me, so I took it and said "Well have fun being wrong, goodbye" and then left.

My Neighbor Brian

Name: Brian
Reaction: Amazed
Location: Outside of my Apartment
The story:
I was walking my dog when this man crosses the street with his dog and he said "Yo Man, Just wanted to say that I love your beard! How long did it take to grow it?" 
"Just a few months past a year." I replied
"Nice Man!  I hate it on me, but you look good  man!"
At that point we then talked about our respective dogs.  His, a Pug / Golden mix puppy, and mine, a mut. After that we moved on to music and beer, then we parted ways


Name: Darryl
Reaction: Positive and Jealous
Location: Old Navy
The story:
As I was in Old Navy  with my girlfriend, I was standing infront of the changing room waiting for her to finish, this guy came up to me and said "Yo man! Man name is Darryl, and  I fucking love your beard!"  Then before I could say anything more than "thanks" he continues. "Ya man, I love that shit! I want one that size, but I just can't do it, my girlfriend would kill me.  Yup, she won't let me have anything bigger than this." With that he points to his face.

Now, this type of reaction is not new, many guys have stated that they too wish they had one, however weren't allowed to by their significant other.  I then expressed sympathy to my new friend.  With that, his girlfriend came out of  the changing room, looked at me, looked back at him and merely said "No." then left.  Darryl then looked at me and said "See?  Aight brother, peace." and left. 

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Name: Sister Yolaria (Nun)
Reaction: Positive and Curious
Location: Church
The story:
I go to church every week, I generally keep to myself. I go in, do my thing, and leave. On February 14th, '10 right as I was about to leave this little old woman turns around and grabs my arm. I am around 6 feet 5inches, this woman must not have been taller than 4'11" and was probably in her late 70s to early 80s.

So, she grabs my arm and says in a very thick eastern european accent "I just find your beard so unique." I then thank her and continue on my way. She then grabs my arm again and says "No, you don't understand. I don't mean this in a bad way, but I really love it! How long did it take?" I then told her how long the beard took to grow to it's current state (1 year, 2 months, 14 days). "Ahhh, that is one of the most majestic things I've seen on a man, I like it you should grow it longer."

After that we talked for a few more minutes and did the introductions. All in all she was a delightful woman and I looked forward to talking to her the following week. Unfortunately, I have found out she had died during that week. It is with her I though of this site, because had it not been for my beard, I would have never met her.

RIP Yolaria

The First post

I have a big beard. It's long, around 8 inches (that's what she said), and people seem to really take to the beard. Not always positive, but none the less, people like to comment on it. I've had all sorts of people ask about it. This blog will talk about these people, and their reactions to my beard. I hope you enjoy :D

There isn't a reason behind the beard, I just like how it looks and enjoy watching peoples reactions. I shaved it off fully back on December 31st 2008 ~ 12am. I did this so it would be easier to tell people how long I've been growing it. You can find a link to me shaving off my previous beard here (I shaved it all off after the video).