Saturday, March 13, 2010


Name: Sister Yolaria (Nun)
Reaction: Positive and Curious
Location: Church
The story:
I go to church every week, I generally keep to myself. I go in, do my thing, and leave. On February 14th, '10 right as I was about to leave this little old woman turns around and grabs my arm. I am around 6 feet 5inches, this woman must not have been taller than 4'11" and was probably in her late 70s to early 80s.

So, she grabs my arm and says in a very thick eastern european accent "I just find your beard so unique." I then thank her and continue on my way. She then grabs my arm again and says "No, you don't understand. I don't mean this in a bad way, but I really love it! How long did it take?" I then told her how long the beard took to grow to it's current state (1 year, 2 months, 14 days). "Ahhh, that is one of the most majestic things I've seen on a man, I like it you should grow it longer."

After that we talked for a few more minutes and did the introductions. All in all she was a delightful woman and I looked forward to talking to her the following week. Unfortunately, I have found out she had died during that week. It is with her I though of this site, because had it not been for my beard, I would have never met her.

RIP Yolaria

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